viernes, 28 de mayo de 2021


 Hi how are things? I think that what led me to study social work was having been very lucky to have and meet wonderful people throughout my life, both in school and outside of it. I am not ashamed to say that I come from a poor family and living my life within it. But as I told you before, I was lucky enough to be where I am today. I do not want the people, the boys and girls of Chile to have to be lucky to access the basic rights of our society. It is complex and cannot be solved on my own, but in a little bit. It is in this sense that I chose Social Work to study, as a way to give back to all the good that has happened, reducing the disconnection that exists today with the reality of all of Chile, the regions and the interior. As for other study options, I would also have liked to study Pedagogy, sometimes I think about costume design or botany lately, I think there is a lot to learn from nature. As a child I too dreamed of being a vet, until I discovered my rejection of blood and broken bones.

martes, 4 de mayo de 2021

Movie or Genre.

 Honestly, I would not know what My favorite movie is, I am so indecisive that I was left for about 10 minutes trying to choose one, so this time I will talk about my favorite movie genre since that is a little easier for me. This genre of films would be animated or children's films, where its rematerizations with real people could also be included.In general, I like these films a lot for what they seek to convey in them, some touch very sensitive threads of reality, but in the language of boys and girls, give yourself innocence and through positivity in the face of life. It also seems curious and valuable to me to name, it is how this genre evolves in conjunction with society, touching new dimensions or including diversity in its characters. I remember that before I could spend all day watching movies on the Disney channel, I basically grew up with them, now I see this type of film very little, perhaps I should allocate a weekend of movie marathon, a trip to childhood, that good plan! 

The best Holidays

 My best vacations were before the pandemic, in Puerto Varas. In the summer of 2020, I went on a trip for my 21st birthday. It was a very special vacation, it was the first time that I traveled to the south of Chile, and the first time that I traveled by plane. Everything was incredible! I traveled together with my boyfriend for 4 days. In this stay, we covered everything we could haha. We went to the Petrohue Falls, and on top of the Catamaran boat, we arrived at the town of Peulla, crossing the Todos los Santos Lake, this town is adjacent to Argentina. I would dare to say that it was a very romantic and special vacation, without a doubt the best. We also toured Puerto Montt, where we bought some nice souvenirs.From Puerto Montt my favorite part was eating a seafood broth, while watching the sea lions play. Without a doubt that I enjoy every day, hour and moment of these vacations,makes for a nice vacation.


 the future is something exciting. But as far as specializing, I think that afterwards I would like to do a postgraduate degree in managemen...